When do plants ship?
Plants ship according to our shipping schedule which can be found here:
When do seeds ship?
Seeds ship ASAP, which means 2-3 days during the slow season and 7-10 days during peak-season. Peak-season for us tends to be the end of January through the end of March. Seed ship times may also be a bit longer in May as we are all-hands-on-deck for peak plant season at that point.
What is a warm-weather plant?
Warm weather plants are plants that do not perform well in temperatures under 60 degrees and will die even in a light frost. This includes tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, most flowers, squash, basil, and eggplants (and many other varieties you would typically associate with your garden but these cover all the warm-weather varieties we carry.
What is a cool-weather plant?
Cool weather crops perform best in 60-70 degrees (with kale being an exception that tolerate a range of temperatures) and can handle some light frost. These include lettuce, kale, chard, and spinach (and many other leafy greens and carrots you would typically associate with your garden but these cover all the cool-weather varieties we carry).
I want my plants delivered after the delivery date, is that possible?
Please email matthew@mattspatch.com after placing your order with your desired shipping window so we can make note on the order.
I want my plants delivered before the delivery date, is that possible?
This is not possible at this time but we will be expanding shipping dates in 2026.
March 15th/April 15th/May 15th has passed, where are my plants?
We aim to get plants out by the middle of noted ship month, with some orders getting out one week early and up to two weeks after the noted ship date. Cold weather has a tendency to slow growth, and for best results in shipping we need well established plants, so anticipate slight delays in particularly colder years. Also note that shipments are queued both on order-date, with earlier pre-orders prioritized first.
It's after March 15th/April 15th/May 15th and I just placed my order, where is it?
Pre-orders take priority to current orders once pre-orders are filled we will begin filling current orders, resulting in 1-2 week lead times especially between the second week of April through the second week of June.
Can I cancel my order?
Yes, prior to shipment we have a no-questions-asked refund policy on all plant pre-orders. Please email matthew@mattspatch.com to cancel your order.
Can I order seeds and plants at the same time?
Yes, seeds will ship ASAP and plants will ship according to our timeline.
Why does it say these plants are "in-stock" when they're pre-order?
Although these are pre-order products there's still about 6-12 weeks between planting and shipping depending on the variety, this demands that we "stock" our plants at the time of planting and update as germination and survival numbers become more clear. Generally we aim to "stock" 75% of what is planted to budget for low germination and update "stock" as those numbers become more clear.